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Difference . Connection . Belonging . Compassion


The Meaning of Home

An Inclusive & Collaborative Community Piece

Within the landscape there are places of Belonging and Home. Belonging;

To the Earth. For Ourselves

With Each Other.


With Nature. Within Ourselves

With Each Other.

As those labeled “different” or “undesirable” are pushed out and away from society, they are at the same time pulled towards nature

and the roots of their essential wild belonging;

With the Earth and the Ancestors.

We call them homeless, while we ALL desperately search for places where we can feel valued, loved and accepted for who we are.

We long for places where we can feel “at home” in our own skins.

We invited the community to co-create this piece with us, and explore ideas and feelings of difference, connection, belonging, compassion,

and the meaning of Home.
Offerings were left in the bowl, sheltered within the indigenous

manzanita bower, and now will be included in a new, collaborative artwork and live on as part of

A Place To Call Home - Stories Inspiring Transformation.














The following are the messages left by the community:

"Transcendent humanity rivering through the people . . . all of us.

Thank You"

"Beautiful people are not born, they rise from the depths of defeat, suffering and loss."

"Cold Canyon

The Sun's Rays

Warm Our Bodies and Souls"

"To those who have passed on."

"Don't judge by appearances. You never know what someone's situation is. Above all, practice kindness, compassion, and love."

"Thank you for this exhibit"

"YES for Compassion"

" 'You mean this room is mine? All mine? My home, my room, my stuff? ' That was the best feeling, ever! - Sabina, age 10, after her family had been given a home after being homeless for two years."

"I am with all who long for home - inside and out.

I have touched no home, too"

"Through love and understanding - world peace."

"We are all evolving to enlightenment.

Might as well embrace this essence! "

"Heaven, angels and all benevolent entities or aliens - save us from that horrid Trump administration. Help Justin toward his best success."

"CITIZENS without homes."

"Suffer the little children to come unto me.

WE will survive together. Heart is Open. "

"Dream Time"

"Abundant funding from surprising sources"

"Love. I see you love."

"A Ennek Su Aloha  - Love & Compassion for All relations."

"Hard to relate. Want to understand."

"I found a place to call Home at CoLiving Network in Nevada City. I love my new home. I feel safe and sound. All residents are clean and sober which I like because I am as well. And we respect one another and we're Family. Blessed Be."

"Keep opening our hearts to Love."

"A safe feeling all around."

"Let Love be the dominant rule in Life."

"You are not invisible."

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